Moving to GitHub Pages
Please bear with me I am in the process of moving my WordPress blog to this new site. I am re-learning Jekyll at the same time, and started out with a nice theme called Chirpy (check them out on ...
Please bear with me I am in the process of moving my WordPress blog to this new site. I am re-learning Jekyll at the same time, and started out with a nice theme called Chirpy (check them out on ...
Una experiencia interesante tuve hoy. Yo cambié el idioma de mi computadora a español totalmente. Algunas aplicaciones fueron perfectas, pero muchas no lo fueron. El teclado que uso es una distribu...
¡Hola, mis amigos! ¿Como te están? Yo estoy intentando a escribir más en español, usando Microsoft Word para correcciones fácil. Creo que me lo ayudar a hablar mejor bien y mejorar mi vocabulario t...
I took French in high school, but this has not been that useful to me… I’ve been able to order a round of drinks at a restaurant the single time I was in France, and was able to start off a speech ...
I recently found two extensions to Visual Studio that I have been using for a week or more and don’t know how I could have done without them. I thought it best to add a quick post to both tell any ...
Thought I’d share this experience. Over the last year or so I’ve occasionally used Fusion 360 to design a few things. Some for the 3D Printer and some for modeling woodworking projects. Now I wante...
Some people who have not experienced the full time care of a small child may view parental or bonding leave as a vacation. Yes, there are many people in your own workplace that still views this ben...
I have a friend Anna who we used to live near enough that we would get to see her just about every week. She lives in Jersey City, New Jersey now, and we live in Woodinville, Washington—approximate...
In the most recent update of Visual Studio, one of the new features is the ability to convert a LINQ query to a foreach statement. When this was pointed out to me in an email, I jokingly responded,...
So my wife wanted a “box for the porch to hold a few of my gardening tools in so it doesn’t look a mess on the porch”. She even drew a small sketch and taped it to the fridge, with the statement “g...