

Herrick Spencer

I work for Microsoft as a Senior Development Engineer on the Windows AI and Inbox Apps team working on apps that ship with Windows like Calculator, Notepad, Sound Recorder, and Alarms and Clock, for the last 3 years I have worked mainly on the SnippingTool but will be switching to the Paint app shortly (as of 2025). Prior to this on a very cool team called APS (Applications, Partners, and Store), creating OSS toolkits, and supporting our partners (both OSS and third party) like Apple, Spotify, Siemens, IFTTT.  Previously I’ve worked on the IOT Maker team having fun making open sourced projects for DIY electronics with Microsoft services involved (I got to write the RaspberryPi Noobs installer for Windows Preview!). Lastly the Forefront Online Protection team, securing Office tools like Exchange and Office apps against viruses and data leakage. It has been a fun and diverse job, and gives the opportunity to learn way more than you would as a normal developer.

Personal items

I used to practice Jiu-Jitsu every day, but slacked off after breaking my ankle in the fourth fight of a competition; fighting a 300+Lb cop. Hoping to start up again but way too involved with family and work to meet that schedule right now.

Before I became a dad I was an avid motorcyclist, and rode WAY more than I drove my gas guzzling truck. I averaged 6,000mi/yr on four wheels, and 15,000 on two!   I’ve ridden standard, cruiser, sport, and currently sport tourer (ST1300). I’ve traveled 2000mi in one week (400mi x 5days) up to Nova Scotia and around Cape Breton.

DIY things I blog about

  • Woodworking
  • Home repair
  • Automation (just getting started here)

Techy things I’ll probably blog about

  • I’ve been interested in DIY electronics, mostly with Arduino and Netduino’s, and plan on making some AI/RC devices with Audio/Video transmitters to play with at the office.
  • WinUI3/UWP apps and .Net
  • C# and C++/WinRT
  • Git fun
  • Visual Studio and Visual Code tricks
  • What started out as a interview question turned into a thought experiment between co-workers, a Sudoku solver… look in my blog for this.
  • more to come.

If you need to know more… please start stalking me.